Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Kirin's Clothes

Here are the different color blocks for the final Kirin print. I had to sharpen my knives halfway into them. It was a long time in coming anyways. I hope and pray to god that I carved the kentos accurately. I've learned to give my brush a wide birth in cutting out room around the printed area because I can get a little spread out at times. I think I might want to carve one more block for adding luminescent dots in the middle of the scales if I can find an interference dusting powder to suit my tastes!

Chinese Brass Bell

I was pricing goodies for my open house the other day at World Market and fell in love with this little bauble! I've got it hanging above my door in the studio and sometimes I can come in a jingle it. It's a very cheerful ornament and I can't help but smile when I see it!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

I've got my work cut out for me.

I can really be the queen of clutter. Stacks of paper seem to be my real problem but as a printmaker that's just habit. I snapped this photo of my studio in the morning because the light was so pretty but the studio is a little cluttered. I've got to clean up and have everything pristine for my open house this saturday!! I've been too busy to price picture frame rail for the place but I think that would make a world of difference. I could jam random nails into the brick and cinderblock like my my previous occupants had or I could line the ceiling with frame rail and simply move things whenever I wanted. It's one thing to spackle and paint drywall but I'm not about to try that with brick.
I spent my day yesterday sharpening all my knives and I think I ground my fingers off but most of my knives are razor sharp now. I still have a couple U-gouges to finish off today but my Kirin blocks are ready to carve and then comes the hard part of deciding which paper to use!