Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Spots and Templates

Snow in the wilderness is a beautiful thing. Snow in the wilderness with adult obligations such as a day job, lack of a wood stove, an untrustworthy heater/power source, and a looming deadline for show.....I'll have to think of an appropriate word for that...when I have time.
Complaints aside, spots are done! Here we have one spotted squid suit ready for the final run of the reduction process. After that comes the pretty tint base and interference powder dusting and then both the bioluminescent squid AND the anti-squid are done!! It will be nice to add two new editions of work to the completion list and feel a sense of victory. Finding perfect frames only enhances the experience!
In other pursuits, I'm cutting a special jig for the letterpress on my Harpetida print. The poem talks about our little specimen basking in the warm shallows on an afternoon four hundred and sixteen million years ago. I wanted to print up the text in waves that lap past its shell. I kind of wish there weren't seven waves to cut but I'll just hang out with my little jig saw and a hot cup of tea one afternoon and get it done like always. I just know it will print up great. I also found some stars to accent the type and it will be really beautiful to see it all done!

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